What to Wear


So here’s the rundown…

I know firsthand how it feels to pick out outfits for photos. You end up making Pinterest boards, browsing all the local shops for a new outfit, maybe order a few things, spend a bit too much money that you really shouldn’t have spent, and in reality the clothes aren’t your favorite, but you end up wearing them anyway to look like all the cute photos you’ve saved on Instagram… Does it sound like I might have done this before? That’s because I have, lots of times. And turns out I didn’t end up liking how I looked in the pics because I hung these items in my closet and didn’t wear them until the day of the shoot.

Here are a few suggestions and tips I’ve put together so you guys can be sure to look hot and be all over each other and feel like amazing, while still making sure the images are focused on your guys’ love, not what you’re wearing.

Full disclaimer, this information comes from experience of seeing what works and what doesn’t they’re only guidelines, not rules. Hopefully you don’t see me on the street and notice my outfit and think “who is she to tell me what to wear” because I wear black leggings and puffy jackets all day, and sometimes socks (that never match) with Birkenstocks so there’s a good chance you’ve got better style than I do!

Ultimately, the outcome of your photos should reflect you as a couple, so there is no rule that says you need to follow these guidelines. A lot of these suggestions will help the colors and feel of your photos work well with my editing process! The most important thing to me is that you guys feel and look like yourselves, how you normally dress, and so you can be as comfortable as possible! Instead of spending too much time shopping for a new outfit (unless there is a staple piece that you’ve been dyingggg to purchase, this is a good excuse!), bring items you normally wear. Things that are already in your closet that you love and feel yourselves in.

For example, currently my favorite outfit is a Miller lite shirt and some ripped Resolute Boutique jeans and my ankle xtra tuffs, and although it may not be the Pinterest/Instagram perfect photo, the uniqueness of what that outfit means to me will shine through in the photo.

A lot of my couples will go shopping for “nicer” looking clothes which is totally fine, but sometimes they regret not just wearing they feel like themselves in. Who cares if you look back at the photos in 20 years and laugh about what you’re wearing? As long as it represented what you guys are like right now, that’s all that matters. A tip for any stereotypical Alaskan guy  in a shoot- they usually not all that stoked about putting on a collared ironed button up with dress shoes, if they’re used to wearing flannels, Carhartts, and dirty work boots every day. Pinky promise they’ll be way happier to be at the shoot if you don’t force an outfit he thinks is stupid. 

So, here’s a few guidelines to help if you’re feeling lost about what to wear:

First tip- bring options! To get the best results, I can pick and pull from the options you bring for you guys to change into for each location we shoot at especially depending on the light and the colors of that scene. This way I can make sure the outfits compliment the environment so that the focus is on you two, not on any distractions, which yes, can be your outfits. All you have to do is make sure you bring stuff that you feel like a million bucks in that we can pick and pull from!

This doesn’t mean pack your closet into the trunk. Text or email me pics of outfits you are thinking. I’d suggest a snuggly outfit, items that are flowy so you can play with them (hands are awkward!), casual outfits, and maybe an outfit on the nicer end to make grandma happy. Most people bring about 2 or 3 pairs of bottoms and tops each, then you can bring dresses, accessories, and jackets as well. Also, just know that depending on where we are shooting, you’ll most likely be changing in the back of the car on the side of the road, so if you’re not stoked on changing in public areas, bring a blanket we can hold up for you, or wear a tank and spandex shorts under your outfit.  


Make sure it makes sense!

Think about the conditions and locations we are going to be shooting in and plan around it. If we are going to be hiking around the mountains, bring shoes with good grip and you won’t twist your ankles in. (P.S. heels are almost always a bad idea in most scenarios, unless you’re freakishly good at walking in them). If it’s freezing cold outside, bring lots of layers and warm clothes with wool socks and boots. If it’s going to be hot, bring clothes that can breathe more so you don’t have sweaty pit stains in the photos. Be as comfortable as you can be! If you're in brand new jeans that are still stiff and tight, you might be distracted during the shoot trying to make sure everything stays in place as well as lets you sit and run and move around in. I recommend bringing clothes that are "broken in" so that you'll be as comfortable as possible. I also love when people bring clothing or accessories that can show movement by catching wind, because it adds energy to the photos and looks freaking gorgeous! Hooray for Wind!



I typically recommend sticking with neutrals and earthy tones. Neutrals doesn’t mean just grays and browns, there’s neutrals of every color (mustard yellow, forest green, navy blue, burnt orange, etc.) Stay away from bright, fluorescent distracting colors. The only specific colors I typically recommend to stay away from are bright reds.

If you’re feeling lost and needing direction, start by checking out all of your favorite photos that you’ve saved. I’d bet there is a color scheme going on in all of your favorites. This is because it is easy for the eye to not get distracted by some random pop of color, the colors should flow throughout the photo. My second step is to figure out where we are shooting. If we are planning on a yellow field, plan for browns, cream colors, mustard yellows, etc. This will help you and the landscape compliment each other! Now hopefully you don’t go looking through all of my photos to see if I’ve followed this rule in each shoot, I definitely have not. Take my advice with a grain of salt, but also try it! Bring along that extra outfit and see if it works, if these aren’t your favorite photos of the shoot, you’ll likely have 100 other photos I’ve added to your gallery to choose from!



Avoid big, loud, chunky, crazy patterns. The smaller or more subtle, the better! If the pattern is too loud, it will distract from your faces. Flannels are always a yes in my book! I usually try to avoid pairing too many patterns together because, you guessed it… it makes the photos feel a little hectic and distracting from your faces and the location. Also, be sure to iron your clothes (only if they need it, I don’t personal own an iron) before so there’s not huge wrinkles distracting from your faces either!

I love when people bring hats, sunglasses, scarves, jewelry, etc because it’s nice to pair them with different outfit options. Just avoid wearing watches so they don’t distract from your faces when I’m getting close up shots! And to all the women out there! TAKE YOUR HAIR TIE OFF YOUR WRIST! I’ll try to check and remind, but sometimes I’ll finally notice halfway through the shoot.



When I think “props”, my mind flashes through all of the cringe-worthy Pinterest photos I’ve seen of cheesy scrabble board and chalk board images. But props don’t have to be cheesy! Props could be a pizza picnic, a motorcycle, your dog, blankets, a truck/car, a campfire, a bouquet, a paddle board, etc. If you have props you want to incorporate, let me know and we can make sure to incorporate them in a non-cheesy way!


In Home Sessions

All of the above applies, but for in home sessions I say the more skin showing the better! No that doesn’t mean you need to be borderline naked, I’m just saying the photos will look a lot more comfortable and intimate than if you’re in lots of heavy layers! Cause let’s be real, most of us walk around without pants on at home anyways. I recommend bringing options of tank tops, shorts, sweaters, and jeans to mix and match! Anything that will show some skin is perfect! Or if you want to just wear a sweater with undies for a few or have your bae be shirtless, then heck yes to that. I pinky promise I’m not a creep!


Hair + Makeup

A lot of people ask me whether or not they should get your hair and makeup done by a pro. My answer is always “whatever will make you feel best, do that.” I absolutely don’t think it’s necessary whatsoever, because in my personal opinion, I would rather look like myself rather than a super glammed up version of myself; especially because I wear pretty minimal makeup with a messy top knot anyways. But, if you want your hair and makeup done, then definitely do it, because the most important thing is that you feel confident. If you’re getting hair and makeup done, I recommend you schedule to be done at least an hour before you have to leave for the shoot so you aren’t late.


Welp, that’s all folks!

Let me know if you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to let me know! If you’re still freaking out about what to wear feel free to shoot me a pic or two of what you’re thinking, or we can create a little Pinterest board together! But overall, just wear what you’re comfortable in and feel like you in.
